Do You Know The Health Benefits of Tea

Did you know that tea started its debut in the medicinal world in the ancient times of China and Japan. Tea was popular – not only for the delightful taste it offered – but for offering health benefits as well.

It was commonly used for ailments such as headaches, depression-like symptoms, boosting energy for those who were fatigued, and even to aid in improving eyesight.

As legend has it, an emperor was presented with a cup of hot water that had turned brown from a leaf that had dropped into a pot of boiling water. Continue reading “Do You Know The Health Benefits of Tea” »

What Are The Blood Pressure Ranges?

In talking about your heart health, blood pressure ranges can determine how you intervene in high blood pressure, or if you even have a need to intervene. Let’s take a look at the guidelines for hypertension and healthy blood pressure.

On average normal, textbook blood pressure is considered 120/80. You may have blood pressure at or near this measurement and be considered to have healthy blood pressure. Below this may be okay, but if it gets too low there can be dangers.

However, low blood pressure is less of a concern for the overall population because more people suffer from hypertension and is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. But there are different levels of high blood pressure. Continue reading “What Are The Blood Pressure Ranges?” »

Headache Pain, Get Control of Your Life Again!

Headache pain is often so bad that you miss work, and miss out on activities that make up our life. But there are ways to deal with headache pain so that you can live your life and enjoy it. It helps to determine what kind of headache pain you have first. Headaches differ and shouldn’t be treated as all the same.

When you have pain above your eyes, under your eyes, or above your teeth, you may be suffering from sinus headache. This is a headache that occurs when your sinuses become congested and begin to develop pressure. This pressure can often be very painful. When you apply external pressure to your forehead or other areas of your face, you may feel some relief. Continue reading “Headache Pain, Get Control of Your Life Again!” »

Exercising The Belly! Let’s Get Slimmed Down

Most people want to slim his or her midsection, but nobody knows what belly fat exercises really help you to do it. Other than the food we eat, there are many ways to help you toss out that spare tire you seemingly can’t get rid of.

One of the best fat busting exercise to do in order to help you slim down is belly dancing. It is useful for burning fat but also extremely fun to do. In one belly dancing workout session alone, you can burn up to 500 calories! Make sure to keep hydrated throughout the entire workout.

Here’s my favorite! A great belly busting workout is swimming. Swimming is great during the summer months – especially because it not only keeps you hydrated, but also lets you do many exercises without having the weight of your body keeping you down. Continue reading “Exercising The Belly! Let’s Get Slimmed Down” »

Does Weight Training Really Benefit Your Heart

There’s a lot of focus on aerobic activity for weight loss and improving the function of the heart. As there should be a lot of focus on it, because it’s very beneficial to heart health. But weight training also has benefits for the heart that occur indirectly.

Weight training helps to increase the size of your skeletal muscles. When you increase the muscle tissue in your body, you naturally speed up your metabolism. That’s because muscle tissue burns a lot of energy in order to sustain itself. Translated what means for you is that you burn calories more efficiently.

And, if you’re trying to reduce the amount of body fat you have, having a strong underlying set of muscles is the fastest way to do that. You can actually change your resting metabolism and burn more calories while you’re at rest. That translates into more efficient weight loss. Continue reading “Does Weight Training Really Benefit Your Heart” »

How To Teach Your Child to Practice Good Dental Hygiene

Good habits start at the beginning.  Teaching our children the right way from the start just might create a burning desire in them to build good quality habits for life.

Children need to be taught the proper way how to care for their teeth as soon as their teeth begin to develop – and if you start them on the habit early, they’ll have good dental hygiene as an adult.

You have to carefully brush a baby’s teeth with a soft brush and don’t use any toothpaste until your child is aware that the toothpaste should not be swallowed. For most children, that awareness is around the age of two.

By this age, under adult supervision, children should be in the habit of brushing their teeth – and if you make it fun, children will want to brush their teeth. By the time a child reaches kindergarten age, he should be able to brush his teeth without adult supervision. Continue reading “How To Teach Your Child to Practice Good Dental Hygiene” »

The Art of Birth

This is the basic process of child birth. My daughter will go through this process this month.

Do You Know How to Manage Menopause Symptoms

Ladies lets discuss that time in life when your body goes through a life change.  Many women are unprepared as it can be a subject seldom discussed.  So lets take some time here to go over a few things in preparation for this life change.

There are many jokes about aging and some of the jokes focus on what happens when menopause hits. But the symptoms that go hand in hand with menopause aren’t a laughing matter to anyone who experiences them. You can have a few signs that menopause is approaching or you can have a lot of symptoms associated with it.

Some women notice hot flashes as one of the first signs. This is a common symptom and makes a woman feel an increase in temperature to her face and chest. You can feel hot and feel like your skin is burning. Hot flashes can cause night sweats to the point that you’ll have to change your nightwear. Continue reading “Do You Know How to Manage Menopause Symptoms” »

How To Deal With Panic Attacks

Dealing with panic attacks can be imperative to helping you live a normal life. You may already know what they are, dreading them when they hit you, but you can learn how to stop them from interrupting your daily activities.  You are not alone,  so let’s tackle this together!

The number one cause of anxiety attacks lies at the feet of stress. Some of the stress can be external but a lot of it is internal anguish. External stress that causes an attack can be things like getting held up at work when you know you have to be somewhere else or running into an ex with his or her new relationship in tow. Continue reading “How To Deal With Panic Attacks” »

5 Things A Woman Can Do to Lower Her Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can adversely affect your organs, especially your heart and your kidneys – and it can rob you of years of life. Remember, even if you’re a woman, you have just as great a risk of developing high blood pressure as a man does.

You can’t change some things when it comes to improving your odds against getting hypertension. Some women get high blood pressure as they age, but you can’t roll back the clock and become younger.

You also can’t change your genetic markers. If you have a history of hypertension in family members due to hereditary factors, you can’t change that. But there are five things you can do to lower your blood pressure.