Women Need To Know This About Heart Health

There are some important health concerns women need to be aware of regarding Heart Health.  Remember that knowledge is one of the most powerful tools we have to protect our heart’s health with.

Heart disease kills more women than breast cancer does, but women seem more frightened about their breast cancer odds. One of the commonly shared myths about heart attacks, heart disease, strokes and other heart health problems is that it’s not as widespread among women as it is men.

It’s a myth that women don’t have the same (if not more) risks than a man does when it comes to the heart. It’s also a myth that a heart attack can’t happen to a woman at any age.

Although you can have a heart attack or heart disease without any signs or abnormal lab tests, what you need to know is that as a woman, there are certain risk factors that can target your heart. These factors can cause you to end up with heart disease or damage to your heart from a heart attack.

Maintaining a normal blood pressure is as important for a woman’s heart as it for a man’s heart. High blood pressure is a sign that your heart is working too hard. Continue reading “Women Need To Know This About Heart Health” »

Managing Pregnancy Pain

Having you have a baby it’s the most beautiful and wonderful experience a woman can have. It shouldn’t be marred by the pain that pregnancy and childbirth causes, but it’s an unfortunate reality.

There are several ways you can manage pain while pregnant or having a baby – some are medical in nature and others are alternative, non-medicated treatments. You have to choose what’s right for you and your baby.

Pregnancy lasts 9 months, and during that time, you’ll go through a range of pains such as sharp little stabbing pains that worry you, aching feet and back pains, and more.

Labor pains are even worse. Some people joke about “labor” living up to its name – but there’s no reason why you should have to suffer for 10-24 hours or more on what should be one of the happiest days of your life.

Let’s investigate some pain management strategies so that you feel more empowered about your choices through pregnancy and then into the labor and delivery process. Continue reading “Managing Pregnancy Pain” »

Fast Food vs The Healthy Heart

Many of us eat on the go in today’s fast-paced world. And, while eating at home is much healthier than eating out, you can make wise choices when you’re forced to eat fast food. There are a few guidelines you should follow when you’re browsing the fast food menu.

Many fast food chains are aware of the bad reputation that fast food has for clogging the arteries, so they have made menu selections that are healthier. For example, most fast food chains offer salads on the menu. However, watch out for the saturated fat in dressings. Salads that have fried meat on top are less heart healthy than those that have grilled meat on them.

When it comes to sandwiches, you should look for grilled chicken sandwiches over fried. And it’s always a good idea to ask for as many vegetables as possible to be added to your sandwich. Choose dressings such as mustard and ketchup over mayonnaise that’s high in saturated fat. Continue reading “Fast Food vs The Healthy Heart” »

Tips For Relieving Arthritis Pain

If you’re having recurring arthritis pain, you already know how severe it can be. You also know how much you struggle to find solace from all of the pain. This disease has yet to have a formal cure, but luckily, there are some tips that can help you achieve some much needed arthritis pain relief.

A great form of pain relief that will warm you right up is moist heat. You can buy hot packs and heating pads for around $10 – $30. You could also make a homemade heating pad – they both work in the same way.

Get yourself a towel!  What you want to do with the towel is dampen it with warm water. Then you can do one of two things: you can either heat it up in your microwave from 10 seconds to a minute (depending on the wattage of your microwave) or heat it in an oven. Continue reading “Tips For Relieving Arthritis Pain” »

Normal Cholesterol Levels? What Are They?

   Cholesterol levels are determined by a blood test showing how much of each type (good “HDL” and bad “LDL”) that you have in your bloodstream. Knowing what proper to have will depend on your age, your sex and the country you live in.
   What is considered to be a good level for a child would be considered off for an adult and vice versa. Some countries measure cholesterol using a different grading (such as the metric system) than other countries.
   Standard is to check the levels in milligrams. You might see a reading that shows 160 mg/dL on your results. This means that your cholesterol is at 160 milligrams in a liter of blood.
   Because of the abundance of fast food and sedentary lifestyles, even young children can become affected with high cholesterol. While some of it can be passed down through the family genes, usually when a child’s weight creeps up to an unhealthy level, they get the same health risks for their heart and other organs that an adult does. Continue reading “Normal Cholesterol Levels? What Are They?” »

Help for Stress Depression

    Could you be so stressed that it’s causing depression? It is this time of year where we can feel much more stress.  Don’t feel alone. Many people today are having problems coping with the stressful events and situations bombarding our lives. When stress occurs, it triggers a “fight or flight” response in our brains and, if this occurs on a constant basis, your body and mind might begin to show symptoms of stress depression.
    When this type of chronic stress occurs, it may overwhelm you, causing depression symptoms such as mood swings, lethargy and difficulty working or attending classes. You may find it difficult to continue with a normal routine. Stress depression can be controlled by developing a few coping skills and taking better care of yourself.
    Coping skills that you may want to take advantage of include meditation, regular exercise routines, including the stretching and breathing techniques that yoga offers. Drinking too much alcohol and drug use also add to the reasons for stress depression, so try and develop a healthier lifestyle by avoiding these stress inducers and eat healthy foods that boost your body’s immune system rather than bring it down.

Here are “10” Ways to Protect Your Heart With Food!

When most people think of fitness and health, it’s done with a great deal of dread. Being healthier always means denying yourself what you enjoy – relaxing with comfort foods.

Being health means hard work, saying goodbye to certain foods and forcing yourself to eat other foods you find tasteless and bland. It doesn’t have to be this way!

Just as you can find time to squeeze in exercise throughout your day – by waking up earlier or shortening your lunch to fit in a workout – you can also find ways to add healthful foods into your diet – foods that protect the heart and help it perform better.

For the time being, don’t look at foods as off limits completely. Instead, use everything in moderation and make it a point to add some of these 10 foods to your diet each day so that it naturally begins to replace unhealthy options.

These foods will improve your cardiovascular health, which can help prevent heart attacks and strokes. In addition to integrating these foods, make sure you swap out things like cooking lard for healthy olive oil, or full fat foods for lower fat options.

#1 – Seeds and Grains

Seeds and grains work well to protect your heart. The one you’re most familiar with is oatmeal. Some people have a disdain for cooked oatmeal, though. They don’t like the texture of it. Continue reading “Here are “10” Ways to Protect Your Heart With Food!” »

Have You Ever Wondered How you Can Naturally Lower LDL Cholesterol

One thing you should do is have blood tests done on a regular basis to keep a watch on your cholesterol readings. You especially want to know what your LDL cholesterol is, since it’s considered the bad cholesterol – the one that can gang up on your heart and lead you to have a heart attack.

No need to automatically have to reach for a pill to get your levels down to an optimal reading. Your doctor should always suggest both diet and exercise as the first line of defense in fighting back against numbers that are too high. The first step to follow is always to change your diet.

You might be surprised at some of the foods you need to add to your diet that can naturally help bring your cholesterol under control. Eating nuts (especially almonds or peanuts) can lower your cholesterol. But be careful that you don’t overdo it. Continue reading “Have You Ever Wondered How you Can Naturally Lower LDL Cholesterol” »

Let’s Talk About Losing Belly Fat

Are you frustrated when you put on a bathing suit and see the belly fat around your middle? Do you see a lumpy, bumpy silhouette when you put on a new dress? When you look in the mirror, do you see a spare tire hanging over your belt? If this sounds familiar, you may be ready to lose belly fat.

Here are a few questions to decide if you’re ready to take the steps you need to lose belly fat. First, how do you feel about your situation? Are you frustrated by your body? What are the reasons you want to lose belly fat? Is it so you can wear a bikini this summer? Is it to make your clothes feel better?

Have you been thinking about how to lose belly fat for some time, it’s time to take the next step. You’ll need to gather as much information as you can so that you can make a plan. There are many sources of information including books, the internet, weight loss centers, and information from friends and family members. Continue reading “Let’s Talk About Losing Belly Fat” »

Let’s Be Assertive With Anxiety Attacks

What Causes A Panic Attack And Dealing with Anxiety attacks


For more in on what causes a panic attack and how to deal with panic attacks and Anxiety attacks visit my website below http://realpanicattacksolutions.com/ …