Depression Problems Help

Depression and Christmas

Some people have a tough time at this time of year.  Let’s discuss this….  Help is on the way!

When you’re feeling distraught enough that you can recognize you need help for depression, there are many options for you to choose from. This can be a blessing for those who like choice, or it can be overwhelming at a time when you have no energy or motivation.

Sometimes it can be embarrassing to admit that you’ve fallen into a funk, so thankfully, there are some discreet products and services that can help you cut through the fog of depression and see the light again.

Depression doesn’t discriminate. You can be a child or a senior citizen, man or woman and suffer from depression. Because of the wide range of people who suffer from this, there have emerged many forms of treatment. Continue reading “Depression Problems Help” »

Lets Learn How To Read A Food Label

The most important things you can do for your own nutrition is to know what you’re eating.  In recent years, food labels have become much more user friendly and you really can know exactly what you’re putting in your body.

How we think about food is very important.  What you eat can help to give you energy, improve your immunity, and allow you to combat many diseases.  But it can also do the opposite – leave you feeling weak and even cause disease. food_labels

But if you’ve never given your food much thought, reading food labels can be intimidating.  There’s a lot of information there.  Deciding which information is important and which isn’t can be challenging.  Once you know the basics, though, you’ll read those labels with confidence.

Know Your Serving Size

Look at the serving size on the label.  Sometimes people miss this part of the label and then have an inaccurate idea of what’s actually in the food.   For example, if you have a can of soup and the label says it’s 2 servings, that means that the information on the label would be doubled if you ate the whole can. Continue reading “Lets Learn How To Read A Food Label” »

Let’s Explain Diabetes

Sunburns, and All That That Implies

I made the mistake on Labor Day of going swimming without sunscreen on.  Three days later I lie awake at night and wonder when this burning will subside.  What a mistake to make for a SW Florida resident who should know better!

Here’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Well, I pretty much had a farmer’s tan, but on Monday I ventured into the beautiful waters of Manosota Beach, about 15 miles south of Venice, FL. I spent three good hours swimming with friends, Mike & Rhonda, and my wife Bonnie. It’s three days later now and I look like an egg over easy. I had to wear shades in the bathroom to protect my eyes from the RED glare! Why I have a bubble on my back the size of an ant hill…. and several colonies set up around it of smaller bubbles. I’m thinking of redistricting my back and charging rent….Only slept 3 1/2 hours last night…..I kept waking myself up!images

Well, my humor is getting me through this, I hope.

“I asked 10 people for their suggestions to help cope with a ban sunburn.  Here’s what they had to say…….”

  • I like a bath tub full of tepid water. Let your skin cool off in the mild temp..not cold water. Pat your skin gently when you get out and apply aloe sunburn lotion. Baby oil keeps it from feeling tight and painful. take a Tylenol too.
  • Mix some white vinegar with water, use a rag, soak and wring it out, then put it on the burn. It makes the sting stop.
  • Try diluting some vinegar and spraying it on your burn. I know it sounds funny but it really works to take the burn out.
  • Try taking a warm shower until it stops stinging it really works and I’m a red head so I have a lot of experience.
  • The burn doctor at my hospital told me to take a stick of crisco and rub it all over your sunburn. It sounds weird but trust me just give it a try and your sunburn will feel one hundred times better!
  •  Noxema works pretty good for me.
  • The best way is to prevent a sunburn in the first place by using plenty of sunblock and staying out of the sun during high noon.
  • I  use a spray bottle with whole milk a green tea bag inside and a little vinegar along with some lavender ess oil and a little bit of aloe gel. When done put a unscented heavy hydrating lotion onto burns to prevent dryness and peeling. Also drink plenty of water.
  • My doctor suggested taking 3 Ibuprofen up to three time a day, six hour intervals. And, use a Cortizone-10 creme on the sunburn.
  • Never put any “butter” like substance on a burn?! It’s sooo painful. I tried it, it’s a old tale grandparents say and it’s horrible. Definately apple cider vinegar & water! Best thing ever!

We hope one or two of these suggestions will help you with a bad sunburn, should you be unlucky enough to get one.  Leave your comments and suggestions below.  Maybe you have a valuable tip that can help someone feel better.

Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Minor Eye Surgery

Here is a fascinating minor surgical procedure to remove a worm that had gotten imbedded in this patient's eye.


10 Great Ways to Protect Your Heart With Food

When most people think of fitness and health, it’s done with a great deal of dread. Being healthier always means denying yourself what you enjoy – relaxing with comfort foods.

Being health means hard work, saying goodbye to certain foods and forcing yourself to eat other foods you find tasteless and bland. But it doesn’t have to be this way.  download (4)

Just as you can find time to squeeze in exercise throughout your day – by waking up earlier or shortening your lunch to fit in a workout – you can also find ways to add healthful foods into your diet – foods that protect the heart and help it perform better.

For the time being, don’t look at foods as off limits completely. Instead, use everything in moderation and make it a point to add some of these 10 foods to your diet each day so that it naturally begins to replace unhealthy options.

These foods will improve your cardiovascular health, which can help prevent heart attacks and strokes. In addition to integrating these foods, make sure you swap out things like cooking lard for healthy olive oil, or full fat foods for lower fat options.

#1 – Seeds and Grains

Seeds and grains work well to protect your heart. The one you’re most familiar with is oatmeal. Some people have a disdain for cooked oatmeal, though. They don’t like the texture of it.

You can create a mix similar to trail mix, which includes one cup of healthy raw oats that you snack on during the day. This single serving is enough to provide massive benefits to your heart. Continue reading “10 Great Ways to Protect Your Heart With Food” »

Wheat and Gluten – Have You Ever Wondered What’s the Difference?

Some people suffer from allergies and intolerances to wheat and/or gluten. These allergies and intolerances can cause symptoms that are fairly mild to life threatening.  What is the difference between wheat and gluten?

It seems that sometimes the words are used almost interchangeably in ingredient lists and conversations about what ails us, but there is, in fact, a difference!

  • Wheat is a grain. We all know that. Gluten is the sticky protein that is found in wheat and other grains such as barley, rye, malt, and – to some extent – oats. Wheat and gluten are related – they come together in a package.
  • Gluten is what binds the dough in breads and baked goods. So if wheat and gluten are not the same thing, but are so closely related, is it possible to have an allergy or intolerance to one and not the other?

Continue reading “Wheat and Gluten – Have You Ever Wondered What’s the Difference?” »

Here’s A Guide To Pain Management

For many people, pain is a chronic condition – or at least one that occurs frequently enough that they feel they have to seek out on-going relief for it when it rears its ugly head.

There is no one size fits all pain management tool. Everyone is different in terms of what we find effective. You have to find a tool that’s right for you – and that means understanding all of your options as well as taking precautions for safety purposes.

Understand that with long-term pain management, you might have to switch things up over time. Sometimes, with pain, a certain treatment will become less effective and you’ll need to give your body a break and try something different.

One thing you need to know as you navigate this journey is that you’re certainly not alone. The American Academy of Pain Management offers statistics that more than 50 million Americans have chronic pain. It hinders your ability to work.arthritis pain

Heart Disease and Stroke: How Are They Related?

Sometimes you can hear heart disease and stroke mentioned in the same sentence.  However, it’s not always clear how these two conditions are related.  It can help to understand exactly what a stroke is to understand the relationship.

A stroke is often referred to as a “brain attack” because it is just as severe and life threatening as a heart attack. This is most often caused by blockage of a blood vessel in the brain that causes blood flow to a specific area to stop.

This is called an “ischemic stroke.” The other type of stroke is called a “hemorrhagic stroke.”  This occurs when a blood vessel bursts in the brain.  When this happens the vessels bleed into the brain.

Heart disease and stroke are related because they’re both caused by the deterioration of the blood vessels.  Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, can lead to both conditions.  Continue reading “Heart Disease and Stroke: How Are They Related?” »